We create new worlds ... with 3D visualisations, CGI, virtual & augmented reality

RLS - Your 3D agency

RLS jakobsmeyer offers a wide range of 3D services with a broad spectrum of possibilities. For example, prototypes can be created before a product goes into series production. This saves time and costs. We use 3D applications to visualise complicated processes, for example in the field of mechanical engineering. Extensive simulations or areas that are difficult to access or concealed can be shown. Customers can also virtually immerse themselves in the machine to view certain processes.

These 3D visualisations can then be used to optimise the presentation of products in marketing, to train employees and customers and to describe procedures and processes that are difficult to explain. As soon as a 3D object is available, the 3D data can be used in a variety of ways. RLS creates high-resolution CGIs (Computer Generated Imagery) for this purpose. Either the customer's existing 3D data serves as the basis or, alternatively, we create 3D data using existing photographic material.

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  • 3D modelling
  • 3-D rendering
  • 3-D animations
  • 3-D visualisations
  • Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Augmented Reality App

Versatile possibilities with 3-D

With augmented reality (AR), you can offer your customers the opportunity to position heavy machines or larger products directly in a room - in a production hall, for example. The machine can be set up there virtually on a 1:1 scale so that better planning can take place in advance. Augmented reality can also be used in conjunction with RFID technology to display operating instructions or help after a product has been recognised, for example. 3D data offers a wide range of possibilities, as the data can be used across different media. This means that it can be used in all channels in print as well as on websites, social media or in films.

3D data is the gold of the future! Compared to a normal photo, there are significantly more ways to work with the data. The augmented reality app POSEAS, which was programmed by RLS jakobsmeyer, also makes it possible to make 3D data available worldwide in a matter of seconds or minutes.

The benefits and potential applications are particularly great in the field of virtual reality and augmented reality.