The media company ... from the cathedral, sports and IT city of Paderborn!

Your full-service media company from Paderborn

Only when enthusiasm and inventiveness come together do designs and products emerge that fascinate and inspire people.

At RLS Jakobsmeyer GmbH, we are proud of our versatile employees, who come from a variety of specialisms and cover the entire spectrum that a company needs for a professional presentation. Our team combines expertise in design, marketing, printing, advertising technology, film production and more - for a comprehensive range of services from a single source. This enables you, the customer, to benefit from short communication channels and customised solutions that are perfectly tailored to the needs of your company. We look forward to working for your company in one of our RLS divisions and bringing your visions to life.

As a family business, we would like to thank all our existing and new customers who have placed their trust in us for over 45 years. Their long-standing support means a lot to us and drives us to always deliver the highest quality and creative innovations.

Over 45 years of RLS Jakobsmeyer GmbH - a rich history characterised by commitment, creativity and customer satisfaction.

We sayTHANK YOU for your trust and look forward to continuing to exceed your expectations in the future.


It's ready!

Forum and guests

The RLS Forum organises events at regular intervals to bring companies together and promote networking.

RLS customers are offered lectures, artists, vernissages, but also training on marketing topics, social media, search engines and other areas.

Christian Schramm, coach, presenter and actor, always manages to inspire guests with his manner. He became famous from the TV series "Lindenstraße" and "Ein Fall für zwei", among others.

A friend of the family and a welcome guest is Armin Rühl, who has been touring with Herbert Grönemeyer as a drummer for over 30 years. Guests from the Sultanate of Oman were also in attendance, as was n-tv presenter Rolf Niebuhr.


... Probably one of the most frequently asked questions in the company's history is "What does RLS actually mean?"

Well, RLS is neither something to eat, nor does it have anything to do with "arithmetic, reading, writing" - and also nothing to do with restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Rather, the name comes from the original company name, which was "Repro-Litho-Service". We were primarily active as a service provider and supplier for printing companies. In the case of reproduction and lithography, the texts and images to be printed were produced in reverse on a film using an exposure process. The printers needed these foils for their production. When it came to the new name, we decided at some point to spare our customers the tongue twister "Repro-Litho-Service", but wanted to use the abbreviation "RLS" as a reminder of the company's roots.

And that's how our RLS jakobsmeyer was born!